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Do you know how to maintain large curls?

Many girls like curly human hair wigs, but they don't know how to maintain large curls. Beauty and skin care experts suggest that the maintenance of large curly hair is a cheat, know and master some hair care tips, your big curly hair will be more durable and beautiful. Below, I will tell you how to maintain large curls. If you are also curly, it will be used frequently in daily hair care.

1. Do more with less effort

In the case of curly hair, most people choose to drown. Using water can make the hair heavier and has a sense of dangling, suitable for hair with more hair. When drowning, gently rub the hair from the tip of the hair. Do not straighten the hair, which will straighten the hair and damage the curl. Generally, it is better when the hair is 70% dry.

2. Hair curling hair that does not hurt hair

When using a hair dryer to blow curls, care should be taken to blow from the hair roots toward the end of the hair, otherwise the scales of the hair's epidermis will be blown over, causing the hair to suffer damage that could have been avoided. In addition, the hair dryer must move along the direction of the comb, the hair can produce luster, appear bright, and not easy to shape.

3. Increase the number of cleaning of oily curls

If you are an oily hair, it is easy to stick to the scalp after the curls, so that the original fluffy hair looks awkward. If you want to make the curls become fluffy and dynamic, the easiest way is to increase the number of shampoos. This can effectively relieve the oily hair and keep the hair fresh and fluffy.

These are the maintenance methods of big curly hair. Have you learned it? Xiaobian I want to remind you that although the big curly hair looks good, it should be maintained frequently, otherwise the curls will disappear. When we maintain large curls, we can use some professional hair care products, such as hair masks, hair conditioners, etc., to make the curls last longer. Take care of your big curls with these tips.